What Do I Mix With Light Blue to Make Teal

Teal is a beautiful and calming color, halfway between blue and green. While you can easily go out to the art supply shop and purchase a tube of teal paint, there is a great deal of satisfaction that can come from learning how to make teal paint yourself. As with all colors on the spectrum, there are many unique and interesting shades of teal that you cannot necessarily buy pre-made. In this quick and inspiring guide, we show you what colors make teal, and how to create some of the most wonderful shades of teal to use in your designs.

Table of Contents

  • 1 What Color Is Teal?
    • 1.1 How to Make Teal Pop with Complementary Colors
    • 1.2 Exploring Different Shades of Teal Color
  • 2 What Two Colors Make Teal?
    • 2.1 How to Make Teal Paint
    • 2.2 What Colors Make Teal Muted?
    • 2.3 What Colors Make Teal Lighter and Brighter?
    • 2.4 What Colors Make Teal Darker?
  • 3 Frequently Asked Questions
    • 3.1 What Two Colors Make Teal?
    • 3.2 What Color Is Teal?
    • 3.3 How Do You Lighten Shades of Teal?

What Color Is Teal?

Teal is a beautiful cool shade of blue-green color. Soaring in popularity in the 1990s, this calming shade can be seen in a wide range of different products and sports apparel. For example, the jersey of the San Jose Sharks was created in this stunning shade and the default background of the Windows 95 desktop also features this color. Although not particularly common in everyday fashion items, many formal dresses come in various shades of teal.

Shades of Teal

As a color on the cooler side of the spectrum, teal is a relaxing and calming color. Like many other colors that are a part of the cyan color group, the close relation to bright calming seas and the cool sky give teal these properties. The similarities between teal and other cool shades like turquoise, lend it the connotations of open communication, stress release, and emotional stability. Teal sits between blue, yellow, and green, and possesses the qualities of all three of these shades.

Combine the cool calmness of blue, with the balance and freshness of green, and the bright happiness of yellow, and you have a gorgeous light teal shade.

How to Make Teal Pop with Complementary Colors

Although shades of teal are typically beautiful and impactful on their own, pairing them with their complements is a wonderful way to make them sing in a different octave. So, what two colors make teal pop? Depending on the shade of your teal, it can be heightened with a touch of coral or burnt umber.

As you know, complementary colors are those that sit across from each other. As teal is a combination of blue and green, its complements will sit somewhere between red and orange. White is also a fantastic shade to emphasize the brightness of different shades of teal.

What Color Is Teal

Exploring Different Shades of Teal Color

As with all colors, there is such a variety of possible shades of teal that you can create yourself. Each unique teal color can infuse your work with different effects. For example, shades of teal that are very bright and light can create a sense of invigorating energy, while the darker and more muted tones could infuse a seascape with melancholy and mystery. In this tutorial on how to make teal paint, we are going to discuss how you can alter the tint and shades of your teal colors.

First, let us take a look at some of the most popular shades of teal, to help provide some inspiration.

Dark Teal

On the darkest side of teal, we have this deep moody shade. This darkness results from the high level of black within this shade, as can be seen in the CMYK code. A mysterious and somber shade, this dark teal color would be perfect for the depths of a stormy sea.

Shade Name HEX # RGB Code CMYK Code Color
Dark Teal #014d4e 1, 77, 78 99, 1, 0, 69

Deep Teal

If you take a brief glance at dark teal and deep teal, you may think that they are exactly the same shade. There are, however, subtle differences between the two. For one, dark teal contains a touch more black than deep teal. Secondly, deep teal has a whisker more magenta in its make-up, creating an ever-so-slightly warmer tone.

Shade Name HEX # RGB Code CMYK Code Color
Deep Teal #00555a 0, 85, 90 100, 6, 0, 65

Crystal Teal

Crystal teal is another shade that is a little more blue than green. This beautiful and calming shade is perfect for a deep blue seascape or a cool winter's sky.

Shade Name HEX # RGB Code CMYK Code Color
Crystal Teal #00637c 0, 99, 124 100, 20, 0, 51

Teal Blue

As the name suggests, teal blue leans more towards blue. This greenish shade of blue is deep and cool. The lack of yellow is responsible for the blueish hue, and the deep color is thanks to the black content. This teal color would work wonderfully as part of a seascape painting.

Shade Name HEX # RGB Code CMYK Code Color
Teal Blue #01889f 1, 136, 159 99, 14, 0, 38

Tropical Teal

As the name suggests, this cool and calming shade makes us think of tropical seas and beaches lined with palm trees. Containing a little less magenta than teal blue, this tropical teal shade leans a little more towards green.

Shade Name HEX # RGB Code CMYK Code Color
Tropical Teal #008794 0, 135, 148 100, 9, 0, 42

Traditional Teal

This teal shade is the base color of this family. When people discuss teal as a shade, this is the color that springs to mind. Traditional teal is not a light teal color, but rather sits at the midway point in terms of tints and shades. You can clearly see the combination of blue and green in this gorgeous tone.

Shade Name HEX # RGB Code CMYK Code Color
Teal #008080 0, 128, 128 100, 0, 0, 49

Egyptian Teal

If there is one thing that Egyptian art is known for, it is its use of blue-green shades and gold. This beautiful shade of teal reflects the regality and calmness of Egyptian era art and dress to a tee.

Shade Name HEX # RGB Code CMYK Code Color
Egyptian Teal #008c8d 0, 140, 141 100, 1, 0, 45

Common Teal

Not common by any means, this lovely shade of teal contains a little more of a bright blue hue than traditional teal. It is also a little more of a light teal color, as can be seen by the smaller percentage of black in the CMYK values.

Shade Name HEX # RGB Code CMYK Code Color
Common Teal #009193 0, 145, 147 100, 1, 0, 42

Aquamarine Light Teal Color

If you are looking for a light teal color, then aquamarine teal may tick all the right boxes. When it comes to mixing a light aquamarine teal shade, you can use a little more white and a brighter green shade to really make it pop!

Shade Name HEX # RGB Code CMYK Code Color
Aquamarine Teal #6EC6BA 110, 198, 186 44, 0, 6, 22

Bright Teal

Bright, joyful, and energetic, bright teal is a wonderfully vibrant shade. Containing a lot of yellow and very little black, this light and bright tone can instantly revitalize a painting or a room. In many cases, you may not wish to use this color in its very vibrant state, as it may be a little overwhelming. Pair this shade with a deep purple for a fantastic and effective contrast.

Shade Name HEX # RGB Code CMYK Code Color
Bright Teal #01f9c6 1, 249, 198 100, 0, 20, 2

Dull Teal

Dull teal, as the name suggests, is more of a muted light teal color. Containing a little more of a dark yellow than some of the other shades on this list, this greenish teal color is not as vivid as bright teal.

Shade Name HEX # RGB Code CMYK Code Color
Dull Teal #5f9e8f 95, 158, 143 40, 0, 9, 38

Pale Teal

Another beautiful shade on the light teal color spectrum, pale teal contains a fair amount of yellow, giving it a beautiful fresh green hue. This shade would work perfectly alongside a bright coral hue.

Shade Name HEX # RGB Code CMYK Code Color
Pale Teal #82cbb2 130, 203, 178 36, 0, 12, 20

Tea Green Teal

If you thought that aquamarine light teal was light and bright, then tea-green teal is transcendent. Taking its name from green tea, this beautiful light pastel shade of teal is cool and bright. Perfect for creating highlights in leafy garden scapes or the light frothing tip of a breaking wave, this light teal color is as versatile as it is beautiful.

Shade Name HEX # RGB Code CMYK Code Color
Tea Green Teal #CCF1D2 204, 241, 210 15, 0, 12, 5

What Two Colors Make Teal?

As you will have seen by now, teal is a combination of two different shades, namely blue and green. In the same way that there is a wide array of different shades of teal, there are many different shades of green and blue that you can use. The particular blue and green shades that you choose to use when learning how to make teal paint will directly affect your final color.

What Colors Make Teal

How to Make Teal Paint

Depending on the exact shade of teal that you desire, you will typically need three or four different colors of paint. With the four colors below, you will be able to create almost any teal color you desire:

  • Blue
  • Green
  • White
  • Yellow

The exact shade of each of these colors that you choose will also heavily influence your final shades of teal. Typically, it is a good idea to choose a green and a blue that both already lean towards each other. As such, a cool blue shade like phthalo blue would work best. A cool, bluish shade of green, like phthalo green is also a good place to start.

For a basic teal shade, begin by mixing a 50/50 ratio of blue and green paint with a palette knife. To lighten and brighten your teal color, you can then begin to add a touch of white paint to the mixture. This first step is your first opportunity to play around with the hue of your final shades of teal.

Try adjusting the ratio of green and blue to see which you prefer and which meets your needs the most.

What Colors Make Teal Muted?

When it comes to muting any color, the best method is to add a touch of color from the opposite end of the color spectrum. As such, because teal is a cool color, you can mute it slightly by adding a touch of a warm shade like red or orange. If you want a more subtle mute and a brightening effect, try adding a little warm yellow, like cadmium yellow to your mix. For a darker muted teal hue, add a touch of dark red like burnt umber.

How to Make Teal Muted

What Colors Make Teal Lighter and Brighter?

When it comes to making your teal shade lighter and brighter, you have two basic options. The first is to use a touch of white paint, and the second is to add a little yellow. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages, and the one you choose will depend on the final teal color you desire.

Adding white to your teal mixture is a great way to lighten it and make it a little softer. Adding white does not change the tone of your teal hue which is great if you are happy with the shade. One thing to watch out for when adding white is that it can dull the brightness of your shade a little.

If you do not want to dull the brightness of your teal, yellow is a great color to add.

Adding yellow has the opposite effect to adding white. It will change the tone of your teal, making it lean a little more towards green. Adding yellow will not, however, dull the brightness of your teal, instead, it will make it sing a little more. When it comes to adding a touch of yellow to any shade of teal, it is important to use a cool and bright shade, like lemon yellow. A warm yellow will mute your teal because it contains a touch of red.

What Colors Make Teal Darker?

In the same way that there are a couple of ways to make light teal colors, there are a few different methods that you can use to make a darker teal shade. The first two ways involve using darker blue or green hues in your primary mix. These methods are fantastic if you do not want to dull the tones of your shades of teal. The third method that you can use is to add just a touch of black to your teal shade.

Always remember to be very careful when adding black to your mix, as it can quickly become overwhelming.

How to Make Teal Darker

Frequently Asked Questions

What Two Colors Make Teal?

To make a basic teal shade, you simply need an equal 50/50 combination of blue and green. For a more complex shade, you can brighten your teal by adding white or yellow or darken it with a touch of black.

What Color Is Teal?

Teal is a cool shade within the cyan family. Sitting somewhere in between blue and green, teal has a calming and relaxing effect. Teal is a versatile color, suitable for use in seascapes, garden images, and a wide range of different graphic formats.

How Do You Lighten Shades of Teal?

There are two primary methods that you can use to lighten shades of teal. The first is to add a touch of white to your teal color, and this will dull the brightness slightly. If you want to retain, or even amp up the brightness of your teal color, you can add a little cool yellow.


Source: https://artincontext.org/how-to-make-teal/

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